Why Kids Love Spring...And You Should, Too
Spring is officially here and kids everywhere are celebrating! Most children love spring and when you think about it, they have some solid reasons. We’ve put together a few of the many reasons why kids love spring...and most of them hold just as true for adults.
Warmer Weather
After the dark, dreary days of winter, mild spring weather is always welcome. Take a deep breath of that fresh springtime air, throw open the windows, and enjoy those perfect temperatures! Not quite brisk fall, frigid winter, or blazing summer, spring weather feels just right to most kids—and adults.
Outdoor Activities
When spring rolls around, it’s time to get back in the great outdoors. Little kids love having the chance to play in the backyard, visit a park, ride a bike, and enjoy other outdoor fun after being cooped up all winter. Follow their lead and take a walk, plan a picnic, and get out of the house whenever you can.
More Daylight
Brighter days are here again! More daylight hours make the days seem full of possibilities. Don’t you perk up when you get home from school or work and the sun is still shining? Most kids do! Sunlight is scientifically proven to improve our moods, and it’s an important source of vitamin D for growing kids.
Nature Reborn
The whole world seems to wake up in springtime. Flowers and trees burst into bloom, grass turns green again, and baby animals are everywhere. Hear those birds chirping? It’s hard to realize these little things mean so much to us until they disappear for the winter—and then reemerge in the spring. It’s no wonder that so many kids delight in the gloriously alive atmosphere of spring.
Spring Styles
After months of sweaters and boots, who isn’t ready for a wardrobe change? Spring brings brighter colors, lighter fabrics, cardigans, and fresh prints, injecting a little something new into our daily routine. In addition to being right for the warmer weather, changing up your outfits adds to the rejuvenating spirit of springtime. Kids especially love how easy it is to run outside without bundling up in layers, and we have to agree it’s a welcome change.
Style Reboot
With so many changes happening around us, spring is the perfect time to try something new in the style department. If your kid is excited about her spring wardrobe, she’ll go absolutely crazy over the chance to jazz up her hairstyles. For an easy everyday upgrade, help her pick out a headband braid from the Madison Braids kids collection. All our braids can be adjusted to fit kids three and up, and they’re color-blended by hand to look just like your little girl’s natural hair. They’re so simple to slip on! Your kid will love wearing beautiful braids all spring long.