Our 10/10 Sale Has Everything You Need to Win Halloween!
Mark your calendars — we’re planning something special for you! We’re about to launch the Madison Braids 10/10 Sale: incredible deals on tons of our most popular products.
Of course, it’s all going live on the tenth of October. The collection has braids, extensions, masks, hand sanitizer, and more—everything you need to win Halloween. Here are a few reasons to give the 10/10 Sale a good look:
Complete Your Costume
So you’re dying to dress up as your favorite celebrity, but she’s got thick, flowing hair and you...don’t. Or you want to look just like that character you love, the one with the super-complicated braids you could never replicate on your own.
Well, now’s your chance! The extensions and braids in our 10/10 collection can give you the freedom to dress up as whoever you want, without actually growing your hair out years in advance or hiring professional help. Whether you’re going as Ariana Grande or Anna from Frozen, this sale has everything you need for that perfect costume.
Get Killer Halloween Hair
Even if you’re not planning to dress up, we’re guessing you still want to look cute on Halloween. How about a next-level hairstyle? There's nothing like a new braid, extension, or top knot to help you look and feel amazing without committing to a full-on costume. You can pick a creepy-cool hairstyle designed specially for Halloween, or go with a more traditional look to rock that Halloween party or Instagram photo.
Try Something New
Halloween is the perfect time to debut a new look. Everyone’s wearing things that aren’t “normal” for them. Why not seize the day and test-drive a fresh hairstyle? Maybe you’ve always wondered what you’d look like with a long ponytail. Maybe you have a Pinterest board filled with braided ‘dos, but you’ve never had the nerve to try one yourself.
Whatever it is, wear it this Halloween. No one will think it’s weird that you look “different,” and who knows? Maybe you’ll love your new look so much, you’ll want to add it to your regular style lineup.
Trick-or-Treat Responsibly
If you’re planning to hit the streets this Halloween, make sure to take appropriate health precautions. If your costume doesn’t already include a mask, grab one from our 10/10 collection to stay safe. (We have masks for kids, too.) We’ve also got convenient pocket-sized sanitizer sprays, a smart choice for anyone who’s going to be taking handouts.
Be Ready on 10/10
Remember, everything happens on October 10th! Check out the 10/10 collection when it goes live. You might just find the piece that makes your Halloween!